Saturday, April 20, 2013

Week ending 4/20/13

Today is 4/20/13, This week in the world:

1. The Boston Marathon bombing occurred.
2. Bombs exploded at the JFK Library in Boston.
3. Letters with poison were sent to Obama and a republican senator.
4. A fertilizer plant exploded in West, TX.
5. Pakistan/Iran boarder was hit by a 7.8 earthquake.
6. An MIT security guard was killed by the Boston bombers.
7. China was hit by a 6.6 earthquake with at least 102 killed.
8. Boy Scouts are discussing and will be voting on accepting gays.
9. A 5-yr old girl was tortured and raped for 2 days in New Delhi,
10. A Minnesota hospital found remains from a stillborn baby
      wrapped in linens at the hospital morgue and was discovered in
      the laundry with another stillborn's remains.
11. Dr. Gosnell, an abortionist, is charged with killing 7 babies who
      were born alive and also over medicating and killing a 41 year
      old refugee. Mainstream media has not been covering this trial.
12. A Museum of History of Polish Jews was opened this week and
      greatly funded by 82 year old Taube who lives in California but
      was born in Poland.  
13.  George Beverly Shea, singer with Billy Graham, died at 104
       this week. 
14. Massive  hot water geyser erupts in parking lot in Russia.
15. A massive snow storm hits the US midwest.
16.  Illinois has excessive flooding.
17. A large sinkhole swallows 3 cars in Chicago.
18. A 6.8 magniture earthquake strikes the northern coast of New

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